Creative method

美 [kriˈeɪtɪv ˈmeθəd]英 [kriˈeɪtɪv ˈmeθəd]
  • 网络创作方法
Creative methodCreative method
  1. Aesthetic Conception and Creative Method of Information Architecture


  2. Creative method and style of works ;


  3. But I think there are limitations to this creative method .


  4. A Shape Knowledge Model for Creative Method Simulation


  5. Study on Structure Identification and Creative Method to Its Project of Usual Mechanisms


  6. This creative method fills in the technical gap of rolling industry .


  7. The Organic Formation in Tian Han 's Dramatic Creative Method


  8. A new creative method to generate and control high voltage for defibrillation was accomplished .


  9. He also related image with " comparison " and " making ", as the different creative method of image .


  10. The film 's creative method of revolutionary realism , Xi'er successfully created the image .


  11. The correct and feasible creative method is a premise of the birth of outstanding works .


  12. But with regard to the creative method , everyman has his own views .


  13. The unique way for energy production from MFC provides a creative method to resolve the energy crisis and water environments .


  14. The purpose of this thesis is to explore a creative method for the synthesis of thiocarbamates .


  15. A student at a university in China hasinvented a creative method of keeping away from second-hand smoke in hisdormitory .


  16. Creative method , as opposed to the usual method of thinking and acting , has its own origin and basis .


  17. Using a realistic creative method , he reflected the society and human beings in precise , vivid and striking style .


  18. On the Basic State of the Chinese Local Colour Novelty in the 20 ~( th ) Century in View of the Creative Method


  19. As far as the creation of Iiterature and art is concerned , it is an important question to use what creative method .


  20. Taking an overall view from ancient to modern time , motif , as a common creative method , is popularly used in architectural design .


  21. During adjustment process , a creative method named reverse adjustment was adopted , to prevent the algorithm from being got in local optimization trap .


  22. This series works continues to follow the creative method of series A Broken Thread without definite social signifiers and narrative clues .


  23. To solve these problems , the paper proposes a creative method to defect the surface detection : using the latest technologies of computer vision to detect defects automatically .


  24. Virtual fractal city model has put forward a creative method for city modeling and offers both theoretical and practical significance to study of city phenomena and city planning . 2 .


  25. Using the hand for imagination is a creative method which modern painting has established as a foothold and a starting point in the competition with machinery graphics .


  26. The main body participation learning method , appreciation educational method , discovery teaching method , free creative method and cooperative learning method are all effective to develop students'creative ability through P.E. .


  27. But nowadays comments on her works still focus on series of heroes , introduction and analyse of concrete work , not so much on the whole character of her creative method .


  28. The resonant technique is included in order to eliminating the EMI due to power conversion , and the power supply to the rotary circuits is realized by a creative method .


  29. Three far from the vision of the audience and the creator starting to move the view and exchange their observations , it is an observation methods also a creative method . 3 .


  30. Hyperbolic density analysis is a creative method in stock option calculating system , which serves as an analytical tool to calculate and better predict stock option price , using optimized mathematical models .
